
Why Choose Australian Made Mattresses?

27 October, 2022


Did you know that buying Australian made mattresses provides you with many long-term benefits? Australian manufacturers are required to adhere to strict quality and comfort regulations, as well as high environmental and ethical standards. So when you buy Australian made products, you can rest assured that your items are made with high quality materials to last you many years to come. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of investing in Australian made mattresses.

The mattress is designed for the Australian climate

If your mattress is manufactured in Australia, it means your mattress was specifically designed to suit the Australian climate. Your mattress should be equipped with versatile features that help you stay cool and comfortable during hot summer nights and warm on colder nights. In addition, the materials that were used to create the mattress are more durable and breathable than those used in other countries.

Made to Australian standards (Better durability, support and quality)

When it comes to manufacturing, Australia implements some of the strictest safety and quality standards in the world. Australian made mattresses are made with the highest quality resources and materials to provide comfort and support for your body and offer you a durable product. Combined with extensive safety and quality testing, you can have the confidence of getting the best quality mattress when you buy from an Australian manufacturer.

Boosting the local economy

From the pandemic, we’ve learned the importance of supporting local businesses to sustain the well-being of the local economy. Creating demand in the local market helps create more jobs for local families and supports the growth of valuable skills in our community.

Supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices

Australian made mattresses use materials sourced from local suppliers whenever possible. Using local suppliers means less imports from other countries, and in turn our business operation produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and water pollutants.

Reliable customer service & warranty protection

Local manufacturers have more control over the quality of their products and the capacity to manufacture products that meet the needs of Australian customers. Not only do you benefit from shorter turnaround times and lower delivery costs, but buying locally made products also allows you to get faster responses from the right people if you ever find an issue with your product.

We are your best source of quality Australian made mattresses

At Comfort Sleep, it’s taken us over 40 years to master the craftsmanship that it takes to create quality mattresses that adhere to Australian standards. As an Australian-owned family business, we are dedicated to designing and engineering beds that cater to the needs of our Australian customers. We carefully select the materials that go inside our mattresses to ensure you can enjoy the best comfort for a good night’s sleep. Browse our online collections and choose a mattress that suits your needs today!

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